
New Pet-Friendly Program Matches Pet Owners with Local Businesses

INDIANAPOLIS – Pet Friendly Services of Indiana is recognizing businesses that allow patrons to visit with their pets through the “Pet Friendly Business Program”. The program highlights breweries, restaurants, and retail locations that allow pets to tag along.  An interactive online map makes it easy for pet owners to locate businesses, increasing their visibility and popularity.

Participating businesses are awarded a free kit of materials to promote their status and make them quickly recognizable as a pet-friendly destination. Over forty restaurants, breweries, and retail stores have already registered and can be found on the Pet Friendly Business Map.

 “After a year of staying home with our best friends, people are eager to visit establishments where they can bring their dogs along,” said Pet Friendly Services Executive Director, Cheri Storms, “Local businesses have suffered this past year, and we are excited to promote them and help them attract new customers.”

The Pet Friendly Business program is currently focused on the Indianapolis metro area, but any businesses located in Indiana can quickly register. The program is also looking for volunteers to help reach businesses across the state.

Interested business and volunteers can learn more at www.PetFrienldyServices.org or by contacting Rhi Johns at rhi@PetFriendlyServices.org.

Pet Plate - Fix Em

Pet Friendly Services of Indiana is a statewide animal welfare organization whose mission is to eliminate the euthanasia of adoptable cats and dogs through financial assistance, education, and advocacy. Our small team stretches our dollars to serve as many animals as possible and to make permanent changes to benefit cats, dogs, and the people who love them. Pet Friendly Services receives no government funding and relies on donors, grants, fundraising and funds from the #4 best-selling Pet Friendly Specialty License Plate. www.PetFriendlyServices.org

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