The Pet Friendly Plate is Making Moves!
Summer is here, and people are on the move – and so is the Pet Friendly Plate! You might notice it on the back of buses in Indianapolis, South Bend, and Bloomington, as well as appearing on billboards across central Indiana.
OR, you might see it on the back of your own car! If so – thank you! You’re saving lives every time you drive! If you don’t have the plate yet, learn how to get your own Pet Friendly Plate at
Event Recap: Forever Families Found at Tails & Ales!
Pet Friendly Services hosted “Tails & Ales” at Broad Ripple Brewpub (Indianapolis) last month to help cats and dogs find forever families. Six local rescues brought cats and dogs of all shapes and sizes to meet potential adopters. Some were adopted that very night! A big thanks goes out to ARPO, Chihuahua Rescue Indiana, Four Legged Ranch, Homer’s Helpers, Second Chances Pet Rehab and Sanctuary, and Sacred Sycamore for participating, and to Broad Ripple Brewpub for being a gracious host!
All participating rescues received two free spay/neuter vouchers to ensure their available animals we ready to be adopted to forever homes! For more photos from this event, and to view more adoptable animals, visit this Facebook post.
Rescue Feature: Redemption Rescue

Above: Mila (Learn more)
Right: Celine (Learn more)
Redemption Rescue was originally scheduled to participate in Tails & Ales, but then they had the greatest reason to cancel – they ran out of dogs!
They had such a successful week of adoptions that they ran out of dogs to showcase at the event – but they didn’t stop there. Like most rescues, Redemption Rescue pulls adoptable animals from shelters to give them a second chance at finding a forever family. They now have a new group of adoptable pets available. You can view them on their Facebook page.

Why “Fix By Five”?
Cats can go into heat when they are just 4 months old. You read that right — FOUR MONTHS! Kittens having kittens.
Learn more, including myths and facts about spay and neuter, at Feline Fix by Five,. Love your pet? Contact your vet to schedule an appointment today!
Catching up with The FIX is IN!
The Fix is IN! is on the move! These mobile clinics are critical to increasing access to spay/neuter, and fixing cats that would otherwise not receive these important surgeries.
Pet Friendly Services provides financial assistance on a case by case basis, thanks to donations and people like you who drive with the Pet Friendly Plate!
Here’s where The FIX is IN! will be next. To make an appointment, visit Public Vet’s website.

- Sponsor Spotlight - Carmel Road Racing Group Loves Dogs!
Carmel Road Racing Group loves supporting animal rescues, shelters, and Pet Friendly Services! They donate funds through events, help transport dogs, host several pet friendly events every year, and, of course, they have a Pet Friendly License Plate!
You can support a local business that gives back by participating in their upcoming event, the 8-Hour Dream Endurance Race and Cat Nap 5K on July 16.
Interested in Becoming a Sponsor?
*Carmel Road Racing Group’s support of Pet Friendly Services allows us to fix an additional 12 large dogs per year. If you’d like to save lives by becoming a sponsor, we’d love to connect with you. Email
Together We Can End Suffering
No single person can adopt every pet, but we can all work together to save lives. Pet Friendly Services is the only statewide nonprofit addressing pet overpopulation at the source, and we do not receive government funding.
Your support will allow us to continue to provide access to vital veterinary care and spay/neuter surgeries.
A donation today can save a life!