
Be A Pet Friendly Business


Welcome to the Pet Friendly Business Program! Do you have a commitment to animal welfare, or do you allow customers to bring their pets to your establishment? Let people know with the Pet Friendly Business Certification! Your customers love their pets and will love your business even more when they know you support animal welfare in Indiana.

Why join the Program?

We give you everything you need to show your customers that you have made a commitment to being Pet Friendly!

  • Digital assets
    • Digital website badge of Pet Friendly Business certification
    • Social Media feature on Facebook, Instagram, and Twitter from Pet Friendly Services
    • E-newsletter highlight to 30,000+ pet lovers in Indiana
    • Listing on our “Pet Friendly Business” page
  • Physical Assets (if applicable)
    • Pet Friendly Business Award window cling
    • Drink Coasters
    • Yard Signs

Why be a Pet Friendly Business?

You love your customers and your customers love their pets! Indiana ranks third among all states in pet ownership according to the most recent analysis conducted by the American Veterinary Medical Association. Nearly 50% of Indiana households have at least one dog, and 38% have at least one cat. Your customers will feel encouraged to support your business when they know you have a commitment to supporting animals.

Contact Us to Be A Pet Friendly Business or to Order More Pet Friendly Promotional items!

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