
Additional TNR Certificates Available

Are You TNR’ing this Winter? We Can Help.


Please note: This program was for January/February/March of 2021.

To help get a head start on the spring kitten season, we are offering Community Cat Program certificates to rescue groups that are actively and safely trap-neuter-returning during the winter months. Winter is a challenging season, but warm days frequently occur. Finding vet appointments can be difficult as well. If you’re able to do both, we want to help you get them fixed.

We’ll start by issuing 10 additional Community Cat certificates to groups that have actively used their certificates. Additional certificates may become available, based on your need and our funding.

How To Receive Your Certificates

  1. E-mail info@petfriendlyservices.org to opt-in to the program.
  2. 10 certificates will be loaded into your online account.
  3. Access your certificates by logging in to your account.
  4. Print your certificates when you are ready to use them.

IMPORTANT: Do NOT print certificates before you have veterinary appointments! Certificates expire four months after they have been printed. Certificates that are in your account will NOT expire as long as they are not printed. 

Fundraising Opportunity: Matching Donations

We encourage you to use this a matching donation to help raise funds for your organization! Each certificate is valued at up to $100, so please consider this as a $1,000 matching grant. Your supporters will have twice the impact when they donate to your organization. Your group can use the funds for additional surgeries, medical care, equipment, etc. Everyone wins!

PLEASE BE SURE to include the Pet Friendly Plate in your social media messaging and emails. This lifesaving plate continues to move Indiana toward zero kill.

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Please link to PetFriendlyPlate.org!

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