Spay/Neuter Assistance Program (SNAP)

We have a LIMITED number of SNAP certificates available every week. You can find other spay/neuter resources on our additional resources page. We are a small non-profit and our budget is limited. Thank you for your patience.

Attention: Beginning February 1, 2025, the Spay/Neuter Assistance Program Copay will be $50 per certificate.

Click here to learn more about our programming changes for 2025.

About the Program

Income-qualified pet owners pay $50 per surgery, utilizing vets in Pet Friendly Services’ statewide network. SNAP certificate applications open Mondays at 9:00 AM  Eastern Standard Time. There is a limit of 2 SNAP certificates per client.

NOTE:  You must be a resident of the State of Indiana to request a SNAP application. Pet Friendly Services of Indiana utilizes veterinarians in surrounding states, but limits the program to Indiana residents.

This program is NOT for breeders, rescue groups, or shelter employees regardless of income-qualification.

SNAP is a 4-step process.

Please make sure to do all the steps in order to complete the process.

# Household$ in HouseholdGross Annual IncomeMonthlyBiweeklyWeekly
1Less than$31,300$2,608$1,204$602
2Less than$42,300$3,525$1,627$813
3Less than$53,500$4,458$2,058$1,029
4Less than$64,300$5,358$2,473$1,237
For each additional personLess than$11,000$917$423$212

If you receive any of the below-listed benefits or fall below the income requirements listed in the table, you qualify for a SNAP certificate.  You must upload a document to prove you are income qualified (e.g., upload a photo of your HIP card, Hoosier Works card, pay stub, cover page of federal tax return, etc. ) You must be an Indiana resident to apply.

Note that using the SNAP program will not reduce the amount of government assistance that you receive.


  • Energy Assistance Program
  • Food Stamps (Hoosier Works)
  • HIP (Healthy Indiana Plan)
  • Major VA Disability
  • Medicaid (not Medicare)
  • Public School Free Lunch Program
  • Section 8 Housing
  • Social Security Disability (SSD) – (not Social Security Retirement Income)
  • Special Supplemental Nutrition Program for Women, Infants, and Children (WIC)
  • Supplemental Security Income (SSI)

The online SNAP request form opens each Monday morning at 9:00 a.m.  Before applying, read this entire page so you fully understand the program and how it works. Due to a tight budget and high demand, Pet Friendly Services issues 100 certificates per week, once all certificates have been issued for the week the form will close.

After you submit your online request form, you will receive a confirmation message. Pet Friendly Services will mail a spay/neuter certificate(s) to you. Please allow 2-3 weeks for the certificate to arrive due to the US Postal Service*.

Be sure to check our Vet List at the bottom of the page for participating vets in your area. Note that most vets participate in the Spay-Neuter Assistance Program (SNAP.) Please review the list carefully to determine program participation.

State law requires that your pet has a current rabies vaccine. Either check with the vet of your choice regarding the price of the vaccines, or Google “low cost pet vaccines near me” to find options in your area. Be sure to bring your pet’s rabies vaccination paperwork to your spay/neuter appointment.

Do not schedule an appointment with a participating vet until you have received your gold-colored spay/neuter certificate. When you do receive your certificate, be sure to schedule your appointment right away. Certificates expire four months from the date of issue, and vet offices can be extremely busy.

Please do not lose your goldenrod certificate or allow it to expire. Lost and expired certificates may be reissued at Pet Friendly Services’ discretion. There will be a $10 reissue fee, payable by money order. 

Trying to Find a Participating Vet Near You?

Select a vet based on the program you’re utilizing. SNAP vets are for limited-income Hoosiers. The Pet Friendly Plate Grant (PFPG) vets are for rescue groups/shelters. Community Cat Program (CCP) vets will perform surgeries for limited-income Hoosiers with feral/free-roaming cats and for rescue groups/shelters. Some vets have very busy surgery schedules. Please make your appointment as soon as you receive your spay/neuter certificate, and be sure to mention you are using an Pet Friendly Services’ certificate or coupon.

Are you WAITING for a Spay/Neuter Appointment?

This guide is intended to help pet owners keep their animals safe while waiting for a spay/neuter surgery appointment. It is vital that you schedule your appointment right away, as some vet offices are booked up for months!

To request a SNAP certificate you will need to fill out a form and pay a $50 fee. Please click the button to be redirected to the SNAP Form Page.

Please note: If you do not receive a “submit” option with the application, SNAP certificates are sold out for the week.

Important: There is a nationwide veterinarian shortage, resulting in some vets limiting surgery numbers and/or not accepting new clients. Please consult our vet list and ensure a vet is available in your area prior to applying for SNAP.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

Many vets spay or neuter at two months old and if the animal weighs at least two pounds. Other vets in our network recommend waiting until the animal is 4-6 months of age. It is important to note that cats can get pregnant as early as four months or age, and siblings will mate if not separated.

Many vets require preoperative blood work prior to performing surgery on an animal 8 years of age or older. Please check with vets in your area to determine their requirements.

Yes. Many of our partner vets will fix Community Cats for caretakers who qualify for the SNAP program. Please refer to the vet list and look for “CCG” to determine which vets participate in the Community Cat Grant. The Community Cat Grant package includes spay/neuter, a rabies vaccination, and a MANDATORY ear-tip to identify cats that have already been fixed.

Pets that are not fixed are prone to undesirable and dangerous behavior. Unfixed cats and dogs are more likely to urinate on carpet and furniture. Unfixed male cats have strong-smelling urine due to the high levels of testosterone. The odor lessens after being neutered.

If you don’t qualify for SNAP, many organizations throughout Indiana have low-cost spay/neuter opportunities. Please look to the map linked by our Additional Programs on the Programs page and search for low-cost spay/neuter services. You can also Google “low cost spay neuter near me”.

CANCELLATION POLICY: If you make an appointment to use your spay/neuter voucher, please make every effort to attend the appointment. Should you need to cancel, call the veterinary office as early as possible, and at least 48 hours prior to the appointment. If you do not attend your appointment without giving notice, your voucher will be considered void. It will not be reissued, and you will not receive a refund.

Saving Lives & Preventing Suffering

Our mission is to eliminate the euthanasia of healthy and treatable cats and dogs, bringing every shelter in Indiana to zero-kill. We are so grateful to our donors and supporters who help make that possible. Help us, help them, and join the movement to make a difference for Indiana’s cats and dogs!

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