The Pet Friendly Plate Program (PFPG) grant is available to 501c3 registered rescue groups and municipal shelters located in Indiana. Pet Friendly Services of Indiana provides grant funding, in the form of free discount coupons, to help shelters and rescue groups spay/neuter cats and dogs in your care. Our grants are for Indiana 501(c)(3) animal welfare organizations and municipal animal shelters.
Coupons may be used for ADOPTABLE dogs or cats and are to be used strictly for animals in your care prior to adoption. Under no circumstances should PFPG coupons be given away to individuals. Individuals needing assistance can apply for certificates through our SNAP programs
Once your application has been reviewed you will receive an email letting you know the status of your application. If approved, you will be provided with a link that can be used to obtain your certificates on an as-needed basis. Coupons expire four months after issue, which makes it extremely important that you only request what you can use in a four-month period at any time. We will not reissue or extend expiration dates on PFPG coupons.
Coupons can be redeemed at any of Pet Friendly Services’ participating veterinarian with “PFP” next to their name or any veterinary clinic willing to accept them. If you do not have a participating vet in your area, please encourage your local vet(s) to visit our website and learn how easy it is to receive coupon reimbursement from us.
Trying to Find a Participating Vet Near You?
Select a vet based on the program you’re utilizing. SNAP vets are for limited-income Hoosiers. The Pet Friendly Plate Program (PFPP) vets are for rescue groups/shelters. Community Cat Program (CCP) vets will perform surgeries for limited-income Hoosiers with feral/free-roaming cats and for rescue groups/shelters. Some vets have very busy surgery schedules. Please make your appointment as soon as you receive your spay/neuter certificate, and be sure to mention you are using an Pet Friendly Services’ certificate.

Saving Lives & Preventing Suffering
Our mission is to eliminate the euthanasia of healthy and treatable cats and dogs, bringing every shelter in Indiana to zero-kill. We are so grateful to our donors and supporters who help make that possible. Help us, help them, and join the movement to make a difference for Indiana’s cats and dogs!
Share the PetFriendlyPlate image in Social Media or your website and direct people to