Dog with head out the window, enjoying car ride

Purchase Pet Friendly License Plate

Switching to the Pet Friendly License Plate is a simple yet impactful way to make a difference for animals across Indiana. Every plate purchased helps fund spay/neuter surgeries, preventing pet overpopulation and reducing the number of animals entering shelters. By choosing the Pet Friendly Plate, you’re not only showing your love for animals but also supporting a proven solution that saves lives!

How to get your Pet Friendly license plate

It’s easy to renew or switch to the Pet Friendly license plate! You can do this at at any time (the BMV will pro-rate your fees.) Simply follow the step-by-step instructions below.

How to Switch to the Pet Friendly Plate

  1. Login or create your account on the website. (Or click “renew your license plates without creating an account”)
  2. Click “Renew License Plates”
  3. Scroll down to license plate / vehicle you wish switch to the Pet Friendly Plate, and click “Change My Plate”
  4. Under “What category of plate are you looking for?” select “Special Organizations”
  5. Under “Now, what specific plate would you like to order?” Select “Pet-Friendly”
  6. Click “Click Here to Add to Cart”
  7. Proceed to Checkout

Frequenty Ask Questions

The Pet Friendly Plate is $40, with $25 going directly to support spay/neuter.

You can order the plate at any time as long as your registration is in good standing. The BMV will prorate your fee.

Login or create your account on the website. (Or click “renew your license plates without creating an account”)

  1.     Click “Renew License Plates”
  2.     Scroll down to license plate / vehicle you wish to renew and click “Add to Cart”
  3.     Proceed To Check Out

Yes! Simply request the Pet Friendly license plate.

If you currently have the Pet Friendly license plate, please call 1-888-692-6841 and use the phone access code number listed on the renewal notice.

Pet Friendly Services uses funding from the Pet Friendly Plate to provide financial assistance to animal shelters, rescues, and limited-income pet owners so they are able to spay/neuter their pets. We run targeted, strategic programs that address the root cause of pet overpopulation!

100%! Pet Friendly Services uses ALL of the money we receive from the Pet Friendly Plate for our programs and services. No funding from the plate goes to our overhead/management costs.

We serve all 92 counties, and 100% of our funding stays in Indiana.

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