Looking to adopt a new best friend? Indiana has hundreds of shelters and rescues! Check the list below (sorted by county) to find adoptable animals near you.
Name | County | Website |
Lennox's Legacy Rescue | Adams | |
P.A.W.S. of Adams County | Adams | www.pawsofadamscounty.com/ |
Animal House Sanctuary | Allen | www.animalhousesanctuary.org/ |
Emilie Beard Foundation for Felines | Allen | ebfelinerehoming.org/ |
Fort Wayne Animal Care & Control | Allen | www.fwacc.org |
Fort Wayne Feral | Allen | |
Fort Wayne Pit Bull Coalition | Allen | www.fwpbc.org/ |
Humane Fort Wayne | Allen | humanefw.org/ |
PATs Animal Sanctuary, Inc. | Allen | |
Perfect Paws Rescue | Allen | |
Bartholomew County Humane Society | Bartholomew | www.bartholomewhumane.org/ |
Columbus Animal Care Services | Bartholomew | |
Happy Labs | Bartholomew | |
The Litter Box Kitty Rescue, Inc. | Bartholomew | thelitterbox.rescuegroups.org/ |
Blackford County Animal Shelter | Blackford | |
Every Dog Counts Rescue | Boone | www.edcr.org/home.html |
Humane Society for Boone County | Boone | boonecountyhumane.org/index.html |
Brown County Humane Society | Brown | www.bchumane.org |
A Cause for Paws, Inc. | Cass | https://www.facebook.com/WBEDFM/ |
Cass County Humane Society | Cass | |
Animal Protection Association | Clark | https://www.apa-pets.org/ |
Fat Heads Rescue | Clark | https://www.fatheads.org/ |
InKy Animal Rescue | Clark | www.inkyanimalrescue.com/ |
J.B. Ogle Animal Shelter | Clark | www.jbogleanimalshelter.com |
Jeffersonville Animal Shelter | Clark | |
Louisville Weimaraner Rescue, Inc. | Clark | www.louisvilleweimrescue.com/ |
Southern Indiana Animal Rescue | Clark | https://sianimalrescue.org/ |
Tails of Freedom K9 Rescue | Clark | www.freethetails.org/ |
Clay County Humane Society | Clay | www.ClayCoHumaneIN.org |
Lucky Pups Rescue | Clay | |
Humane Society of Clinton County | Clinton | https://www.facebook.com/HSofCC/ |
JET's Animal Service, Inc. | Clinton | www.jetsanimalsvc.com/ |
Friends for Animals | Daviess | |
Red Barn Rescue | Daviess | |
PAWS of Dearborn County | Dearborn | pawsofdearborncounty.org |
Decatur County Animal Shelter | Decatur | decaturcountyshelter.wordpress.com/ |
Canine Haven Rescue, Inc. | DeKalb | caninehavenrescue.org/ |
DeKalb Humane Society | DeKalb | dekalbhumanesociety.org |
Action for Animals, Inc. | Delaware | afamuncie.org/ |
Animal Rescue Fund (ARF) | Delaware | munciearf.com/ |
Muncie Animal Care and Services | Delaware | |
Paws On My Heart, Inc. | Delaware | |
Mama Cindy's Animal Shelter | Dubois | |
The Dubois County Humane Society | Dubois | www.duboiscountyhumane.org/ |
Catsnip Etc. | Elkhart | www.catsnipetc.org/home.html |
Elkhart County Feral Cat Coalition, Inc. | Elkhart | |
Humane Society of Elkhart County | Elkhart | |
MisUnderstood Siberian Husky Rescue, Inc. (MUSH) | Elkhart | |
Tracking In the Shadows | Elkhart | |
Fayette County Animal Shelter | Fayette | |
New Albany/Floyd Co. Animal Control & Shelter | Floyd | fcarl.org |
Piece of My Heart Rescue | Floyd | www.pieceofmyheartrescue.org/ |
CFL Rescue and Sanctuary | Fountain | https://www.facebook.com/cflrescue/ |
Paws 'n Claws | Fountain | pawsnclaws2012.yolasite.com/ |
Franklin County Humane Society | Franklin | |
Country Kennel Bully Rescue | Fulton | www.countrykennelbullyrescue.com |
Fulton County Animal Center | Fulton | www.fultoncoanimalcenter.org/ |
Animal Rescue & Protection Inc. | Gibson | animalrescueandprotection.info/ |
Emmy Corp., dba Gibson County Animal Services | Gibson | www.gcasonline.org/ |
Marion Animal Care and Control | Grant | |
Marion-Grant County Humane Society | Grant | marionhumane.com/ |
Underdog Salvation | Grant | http://www.underdogsalvation.com/ |
CAnine REscue (CARE), Inc. | Greene | |
Greene County Humane Society | Greene | greenecountyhumanesociety.org/ |
All Creatures Matter Rescue, Inc. | Hamilton | https://allcreaturesmatter.org/ |
Alliance For Responsible Pet Ownership (ARPO) | Hamilton | http://adoptarpo.org/ |
Almost Home Schnauzer Rescue, Inc. | Hamilton | https://ahsr.ngo/ |
Community Cats of Hamilton County | Hamilton | ccatshc.wixsite.com/website |
From The Heart Rescue | Hamilton | https://fthar.org/ |
Humane Society for Hamilton County | Hamilton | www.hamiltonhumane.com |
Indiana Sheltie Rescue, Inc. | Hamilton | indianasheltierescue.org/ |
REDEMPTION RESCUE INC | Hamilton | redemptionrescueinc.com/ |
Woofs and Books, Inc. | Hamilton | http://www.woofsandbooks.org/ |
Almost Heaven Farm Animal Sanctuary | Hancock | |
Frenzy Animal Rescue | Hancock | www.frenzyrescue.com/ |
Greenfield Hancock Animal Management | Hancock | |
Partners for Animal Welfare Society, Inc. | Hancock | pawshancock.org |
Retails, Inc. | Hancock | https://retailsindy.org/index.html |
Frisky Felines Foundation | Harrison | |
River Valley Humane Society | Harrison | |
GRRACE | Hendricks | https://grrace.org/ |
Hendricks County Animal Shelter | Hendricks | |
Hendricks County Humane Society | Hendricks | www.hendrickshumane.org/ |
Misty Eyes Animal Center | Hendricks | www.mistyeyes.org/ |
Sacred Sycamore Animal Rescue | Hendricks | www.sacredsycamoreanimalrescue.org/ |
Henry County Humane Society, Inc. | Henry | hcpetcarecampus.com |
Lucky Lab Rescue & Adoption | Henry | https://www.luckylabrescue.com/ |
4 Precious Paws | Howard | 4preciouspaws.org |
Buddy's Bandits, Inc. | Howard | |
Howard County Kitten Rescue, Inc. | Howard | |
Kokomo Community Cats | Howard | |
Kokomo Humane Society | Howard | www.kokomohumane.org |
Pals for Paws, Inc. | Howard | https://palsforpawsinc.com/ |
Helping Paws Pet Haven, Inc. | Huntington | hpph.org/ |
Huntington County Humane Society, Inc. | Huntington | www.huntingtonhumane.org/ |
Jamie's Legacy, Inc. | Huntington | www.jamieslegacy.org/ |
Humane Society of Jackson County, Inc. | Jackson | www.jchumane.org |
Indigo's Rescue Ranch and Sanctuary | Jackson | www.indigosrescueranch.org |
SOS (Saints on Our Side) Animal Rescue | Jackson | |
Jasper County Animal Shelter | Jasper | |
Purrfectlittlepaws, Inc. | Jasper | |
Jay County Humane Society | Jay | |
Midwest Pet Refuge | Jay | midwestpetrefuge.com/ |
Madison-Jefferson County Animal Shelter | Jefferson | http://www.sisaveapet.com/ |
Mercy Rescue and Adoption, Inc. | Jennings | www.mercyrescueandadoption.com/ |
Hope Marie's Fund Rescue | Johnson | http://hopemarie.org/ |
Humane Society of Johnson County | Johnson | http://hsjc.org/ |
Johnson County Animal Shelter | Johnson | |
Johnson County Community Cats | Johnson | https://jcccats.org/ |
Petite Paws Rescue Angels | Johnson | https://www.petitepaws.us/ |
Robin's Nest of Indy | Johnson | www.robinsnestofindy.org/ |
Barbara Grannan Carie Feline Sanctuary, Inc | Knox | |
Knox County Humane Society | Knox | |
Vincennes Animal Shelter | Knox | |
Animal Welfare League (Kosciusko Co) | Kosciusko | awlwarsaw.com/ |
Kosciusko Community TNR | Kosciusko | |
One Dog at a Time | Kosciusko | www.odtr.org/ |
Sevens Heaven Wildlife Rehabilitation | Kosciusko | |
Fried's Cat Shelter, Inc. | La Porte | https://www.friedscatshelter.org/ |
Independent Cat Society | La Porte | www.catsociety.org |
LaPorte County Small Animal Shelter | La Porte | www.laportecountyparks.org |
Michiana Humane Society | La Porte | michianahumanesociety.org |
Silverstray Social | La Porte | www.silverstray.org/ |
Ark Animal Rescue and Adoption | Lagrange | arkanimalrescue.weebly.com/ |
Reigning Cat and Dogs Rescue | Lagrange | |
ABRA, Inc. (All Breed Rescue Angels, Inc.) | Lake | www.abraangels.com |
Cast-A-Way Critters | Lake | www.castawaycritters.org/ |
Cause 4Paws Gary, Inc. | Lake | www.cause4pawsgary.org |
Child and Pet Relief Fund, Inc. | Lake | https://www.cprfund.com/ |
Dyer Animal Control | Lake | |
Everything's Going to be Alright Rescue and Rehabilitation | Lake | https://www.facebook.com/egtbarr/ |
Feline Community Network | Lake | www.felinecommunitynetwork.org/ |
Griffith Animal Control | Lake | |
Happy Tails Rescue, Inc. | Lake | happytailsrescue.org |
Humane Indiana Animal Shelter | Lake | www.hscalumet.org |
Humane Society of Calumet | Lake | https://humaneindiana.org/ |
I Wanna Go Home Rescue | Lake | https://www.iwannagohomerescue.org/ |
Kitties For Keeps Rescue | Lake | kittiesforkeepsrescue.com/ |
Lake County Sheriff's Animal Control & Adoption | Lake | |
Lucky's Legacy, Inc. | Lake | |
Schererville Animal Control & Shelter | Lake | |
Second Chance 4 Pets Network | Lake | www.sc4pets.org/ |
The Humane Society of Hobart, Inc. | Lake | hobarthumanesociety.org |
Treasured Friends, Inc. | Lake | |
Tuff Dawgs Rescue, Inc | Lake | tuffdawgsrescue.com/ |
White River Humane Society | Lawrence | www.whiteriverhumanesociety.com |
All Hands on Deck, Kitters Foundation Corp. | Madison | |
Elwood Animal Shelter (City of Elwood) | Madison | https://elwood-in.com/animal-shelter/ |
Friends for Paws | Madison | http://www.friendsforpaws.com/ |
Homer's Helpers | Madison | https://homershelpers.org/ |
Madison County Humane Society | Madison | www.mchsandersonin.org/ |
The Animal Protection League | Madison | www.inapl.org/ |
America's Basenji & Shiba Inu Rescue | Marion | https://basenjishiba.com/ |
Cats Haven | Marion | https://www.catshaven.org/ |
Central Indiana Foster Cats | Marion | |
Central Indiana Lab Rescue & Adoption (CILRA) | Marion | www.cilra.org/ |
Chihuahua Rescue of Indiana, Inc. | Marion | www.chihuahuarescuein.org/ |
Far Fetched Dog Rescue | Marion | www.farfetcheddogrescue.org/ |
Furever We Love | Marion | www.fureverwelove.com/ |
Heaven After Hell Rescue | Marion | http://www.heavenafterhellrescue.org/ |
Helping Paws, Inc. | Marion | www.helpingpawsonline.com/home |
Houndsong Rescue, Inc. | Marion | https://www.houndsong.com/ |
Indianapolis Animal Care Services | Marion | |
Indy Great Pyrenees Rescue, Inc. | Marion | www.igpr.org/ |
Indy Neighborhood Cats | Marion | |
IndyClaw Rescue, Inc | Marion | http://www.indyclaw.org/ |
Love of Labs, Indiana | Marion | www.lolin.org/ |
Lucci's House Bully Rescue | Marion | https://www.luccishouse.org/ |
Lucky Dog Retreat Rescue, Inc. | Marion | http://ldrrescue.org/ |
Medical Mutts Service Dogs | Marion | MedicalMutts.org |
Mended Hearts Rescue, Inc. | Marion | https://mhrindy.org/ |
Rosie's Southside Animal Shelter | Marion | https://ssasi.org/ |
Sketchy Mutts and Underdogs | Marion | sketchymuttsandunderdogs.org/ |
SOAR INITIATIVE CORP | Marion | https://www.soarinitiative.com/ |
Speedway Animal Rescue, Inc. | Marion | speedwayanimalrescue.org/ |
TAILS AND TRAILS RESCUE | Marion | http://www.tailsandtrails.org/ |
The PAWSitivity Project | Marion | https://www.pawsitivityproject.org/ |
Waldo's Muttley Crew Animal Rescue | Marion | |
Marshall County Humane Society, Inc. | Marshall | https://mchsshelter.org/index.html |
Martin County Humane Society Spay /Neuter Clinic | Martin | |
City of Peru Animal Care and Control | Miami | |
Eagles Point TNR | Miami | |
Miami County Animal Shelter | Miami | |
Peru Dog Pound | Miami | https://www.facebook.com/CityPACC/ |
Rosies Rescue | Miami | |
Scratching Post Cat Rescue Inc | Miami | scratchingpostcatrescue.com/ |
Bloomington Animal Shelter | Monroe | |
Feral Cat Friends, Inc. | Monroe | www.feralcatfriend.org/ |
Mannered Mutts Rescue, Inc. | Monroe | www.manneredmuttsrescue.org/ |
The Nest | Monroe | http://www.inthenest.net/ |
The Ranch Cat Rescue Inc | Monroe | www.theranchcatrescue.org/ |
Animal Welfare League of Montgomery Co. | Montgomery | |
Black Kat Society - TNR | Montgomery | |
Cats Limited | Montgomery | www.catslimited.org/ |
Home for Friendless Animals, Inc. | Montgomery | |
Hope Haven Canine Rescue, Inc. | Morgan | |
Morgan County Humane Society | Morgan | www.mchumanesoc.org/ |
Needy Claws Sanctuary | Morgan | http://needyclaws.org/ |
Street Cat Community Outreach | Morgan | |
The Four Legged Ranch | Morgan | https://www.fourleggedranch.com/ |
Newton County Animal Shelter | Newton | |
Humane Society of Noble County | Noble | humanesocietynoblecounty.com |
Ohio County Animal Shelter | Ohio | |
Great Babies Rescue, Inc. | Orange | greatbabiesrescue.org |
Orange County Humane Society | Orange | |
Springs Valley Pet Services, Inc. | Orange | svps.rescueme.org/ |
Caring Canine Animal Rescue | Owen | |
Indiana GSD and Siberian Husky Rescue, Inc. | Owen | indianagsdhuskyrescue.myresq.org/ |
Our Lil' Bit of Heaven Animal Rescue | Owen | bitofheaven.org/ |
Owen County Humane Society | Owen | ochumane.org/services/ |
The Sanctuary at Browning Farms | Owen | |
Parke County Animal Welfare Services Inc | Parke | |
Humane Society of Perry County | Perry | |
Pike Animal Welfare Shelter | Pike | |
Giant Paw Prints | Porter | http://www.giantpawprints.com/ |
Guardians of the Green Mile, Inc. | Porter | www.gotgm.org/ |
Indiana Petite Paws Rescue Angels | Porter | http://www.petitepaws.us/ |
Lakeshore PAWS | Lake | https://lakeshorepaws.org |
Open Arms Animal Rescue | Porter | www.openarmsanimalrescue.com/ |
Porter County Animal Shelter | Porter | www.portercountyanimalshelter.org/ |
Redemption German Shepherd Rescue | Porter | https://www.redemptionshepherd.com/ |
Posey County Pound Puppies | Posey | https://pcpoundpuppies.webs.com/ |
Posey Humane Society | Posey | https://www.poseyhumane.org/ |
Pulaski Animal Center | Pulaski | https://www.pulaskianimalcenter.com/ |
Pulaski County Sheriff Department | Pulaski | gov.pulaskionline.org/ |
Creekside Animal Rescue, Inc. | Putnam | www.creeksiderescue.org/ |
Humane Society of Putnam County | Putnam | hspcanimals.org/ |
People United 4 Pets, Inc. | Putnam | www.4pups.org/ |
Putnam County Animal Care & Control | Putnam | |
The ARK Fostercare Program | Putnam | http://arkfostercare.com/ |
PAWS Animal Rescue and Shelter | Randolph | |
Rescue Me R.C.H.S. | Randolph | |
Practical Cats Rescue | Rush | |
Rushville Animal Shelter | Rush | rushvilleanimalshelter.org/ |
Humane Society of Scott County Indiana | Scott | www.hsscottcountyin.com |
Scott County Animal Shelter | Scott | |
Animal Outreach of Shelby County | Shelby | shelbycats.com/ |
Canine Castaways Rescue, Inc. | Shelby | www.caninecastawaysrescue.org |
Shelby County Animal Shelter | Shelby | |
Spencer County Animal Shelter | Spencer | https://itvrescue.org/ |
Spencer County Humane Society | Spencer | www.petfinder.com/shelters/IN60.html |
TLC Pals 4 Paaws, Inc. | Spencer | |
Dream Paws Rescue | St Joseph | dreampawsrescue.blogspot.com/ |
Humane Society of St. Joseph County | St Joseph | https://humanesocietystjc.org/ |
The Meow Mission | St Joseph | https://www.themeowmission.org/ |
All 4 Animals Rescue | St. Joseph | www.all4animalsrescue.org/ |
CARE of South Bend | St. Joseph | www.careofsouthbend.org/ |
FurEver Fosters | St. Joseph | |
Heartland Small Animal Rescue | St. Joseph | www.heartlandsmallanimalrescue.org |
Homeward Bound Animal Welfare, Inc. | St. Joseph | www.homewardboundawg.com/ |
Pet Refuge | St. Joseph | https://www.petrefuge.com/ |
Pets Connect! Inc. | St. Joseph | https://www.petsconnect.org/ |
South Bend Animal Care and Control | St. Joseph | |
Save A Dog Rescue | Starke | indianasaveadog.com/ |
STARKE COUNTY HUMANE SOCIETY | Starke | starkecountyhumane.wixsite.com/schs |
Community Humane Shelter of Steuben County | Steuben | https://www.chssteubencounty.org/ |
Animal Care Team of Indiana, LLC | Sullivan | https://actofin.org/ |
Humane Society of Sullivan County | Sullivan | |
Switzerland County Animal Shelter | Switzerland | |
Dedicated to Dobermans Rescue | Tippecanoe | |
Loving Paws Animal Center | Tippecanoe | rescuedpawsmatter.org/ |
My New Cat Rescue | Tippecanoe | mynewcat.org/about/ |
Natalie's Second Chance Dog Shelter | Tippecanoe | www.nataliessecondchance.org/ |
North Central Indiana Spay Neuter and Rescue | Tippecanoe | pleasespay.org |
Pawswap of Greater Lafayette | Tippecanoe | www.pawswapofgreaterlafayette.com/ |
T.B. Dog Rescue, Corp. | Tippecanoe | www.twobitchesrescue.com/ |
Tipton County Humane Society | Tipton | |
Liberty Acres United Rescue Animal Sanctuary | Union | https://libertyacresunited.com/ |
Another Chance for Animals | Vanderburgh | http://www.acaevansville.com/ |
Evansville Kitten and Cat Rescue | Vanderburgh | evansvillekittenrescue.weebly.com/ |
Feline Fix | Vanderburgh | https://www.felinefix.org/contact/ |
It Takes A Village No-Kill Rescue | Vanderburgh | itvrescue.org/ |
My Ferals of Evansville, Inc. | Vanderburgh | www.myferalsofevansvilleinc.com/ |
Vanderburgh Humane Society | Vanderburgh | vhslifesaver.org |
Parke-Vermillion County Humane Society | Vermillion | https://www.mypvchs.org |
D & R Rescue, Inc. | Vigo | |
Dog It Dig It Rescue | Vigo | www.dogitdigitrescue.com |
For Paws Sake Canine Rescue | Vigo | https://www.fpscaninerescue.org/ |
Ollie's Canine Campus LLC | Vigo | www.olliesk9campus.com/ |
Terre Haute Humane Society | Vigo | www.petfinder.com/shelters/IN37.html |
Furry Fix | Wabash | www.furryfix.net |
Wabash County Animal Shelter, Inc. | Wabash | wabashshelter.com/ |
PAAWS | Warrick | www.paaws.org |
Warrick Animal Guardians | Warrick | |
WARRICK HUMANE SOCIETY | Warrick | https://warrickhumanesociety.org/ |
Basset Rescue of Kentuckiana | Washington | |
City of Salem Animal Shelter | Washington | |
Humane Society of Washington County | Washington | www.hswcin.org |
2nd Chance Animal Rescue of Richmond, Inc. | Wayne | |
Animal Care Alliance | Wayne | animalcarealliance.webs.com |
Animal Welfare League Inc. | Wayne | |
Help The Animals, Inc. | Wayne | helptheanimalsinc.com/ |
Monkey Cat's Memorial Rescue | Wayne | |
Warm Paws Cool Claws Project | Wayne | https://wpccp.org/ |
Bluffton-Wells County Animal Shelter | Wells | blufftonindiana.net/animal-shelter |
Warrick County Animal Control | Wells | https://warrickhumanesociety.org/ |
Happy Tails Animal Care Center, Inc. | White | |
Like Home Animal Foster and Rescue | White | |
Humane Society of Whitley County | Whitley | hswc.org/ |
Whitley County Animal Shelter and Adoption Center | Whitley | https://hswc.org/ |